As the doors close today, we've been overwhelmed by your words of support. From all of you via our socials - those who go to our classes, have seen shows and events or have helped to make this things happen - the tutors and organisers.
You even put together this petition which has nearly 4,000 signatures. It's incredible and we're so thankful that so many of you see the value of dance in the region and the wonderful space that is 19 Chapel Street. We're heartbroken about what's happened. We've been in this space and been working out in Derby's communities for over 25 years.
We'll keep working with and on ways to keep this provision as a part of Derby's core cultural offer. Dance is one of the art forms that make up the cultural ecology of a city and it cannot disappear.
In the meantime, here are some of the messages of support that have been sent to us by various arts organisations and individuals from across the sector:
It's so upsetting to see this happen to venues across the UK at the moment...I'm so so sorry to all the staff there. I've loved working with Deda the last 10 years. All my love Scarlett (Scarlett Daggers, LaDeda Cabaret)
Thank you for this. I have been on annual leave and came back to the devasting news that you are closing. I am so gutted for you all. I have worked with Deda in the past and know the valuable work you were doing in the city – ironically needed more than ever…I hope you and the team can find a way through to continue the work in your region. (Jeanette Hinton, Pavillion Dance South West)
I saw the sad news regarding Déda last week, we were all very sorry to see this... Wishing you and the rest of the Déda team all the best from Can't Sit Still. I did see the recent news and was shocked. Deda was such an amazing place for the community and for artists. I wish you all well and every success in your next position. (Louise Birchall, Hurly Burly Theatre)
I heard the news through social media and I'm so sorry. Deda has played a big part in my career one way or another over the last 10 years or so and this is a really terrible loss to Derby. I hope the petition works and something can be salvaged! Send lots of love and strength to you and your team right now (Cat Boot, Can’t Sit Still)
Sending love to you and your team from everyone at Mimbre and thank you so much for the support and work over the years. Really sad to see such a brilliant venue and festival fold! Wishing you the best of luck for wherever you go on next and hope something new will be built from the years of work that's gone into Deda (Lina Johansson, Mimbre)
Thanks so much for your message and for reaching out, I had seen the news and am sending warm wishes in return to you and the team during this particularly difficult time. (Tim Casson, Casson & Friends)
I was so sorry to hear the news last week and hope that you and the Deda team are getting the support you need at this difficult time...Please accept the love and solidarity from everyone at 1623 (Ben Spiller, 1623)
Thank you for this update. All our thoughts are with you all. It’s always a joy to work with you... All the best from all of us at Gandini. (Axel Satgé, Gandini Juggling)
Sending the team and you the biggest of strengths as you navigate these incredibly challenging times. We closed our venue at the start of the year, and whilst smaller in operation and output, the Nonsuch team understand the complexities of this and the difficult decision that led to this. (Jake Orr, Nonsuch Studios)
I was so very sorry to hear this. My son attended weekend dance sessions at Déda when he was little (27 now!) and Déda has always been such a great cultural/community assets. Wishing you all the very best (Sarah Coxson, Women in Live Music Awards)
I have read your letter and want to express how deeply sorry we are for you and for the arts in general. This situation is concerning for all of us, and I fear we might also face bad news in France in the coming months. Wishing you strength. Sylvie Sabord (international outdoor company connected to Festé 24/25)

Déda has been such a big part of the city for so many for so long and it is impossible to imagine Derby without it. Sending all the best wishes and positive vibes to you and the team and hope that things resolve as quickly and as smoothly as possible for all. Take care all. Laura Evans (former Board member)
I'm so sorry to hear this and am of course thinking of you, Steve and all the team at such a difficult time. It was a privilege to be a small part of Deda, and whilst this is such sad news so many will be grateful to Deda and the staff for the brilliant work over the years. I hope you are taking extra care of yourself at the moment. Sending lots of love and support, Alice Roberts (former Board member)
On behalf of Freedom Festival I just wanted to extend our sadness at hearing this news. I am so sorry you’re needing to go through this. It is such difficult times at the moment. If there is anything we can do to support please do get in touch. (Jo Hawkes, Freedom Festival)
Thank you for the update. It has been really upsetting to hear the situation Deda has found itself in. I have been at Becket for almost 20 years now and Deda has been a part of the school community for as long as I can remember and is extremely popular with our pupils. Many staff have signed the petition and we have shared it with our parents and carers too - I'm sure many will have signed it. If there is anything the school can do to help then let me know. (Ian Ridgway - Assistant Headteacher - Becket Primary School)
That is very sad news indeed. Deda has been a wonderful partner to us over the years and it’s a real shock to read of your current situation. Derby seems to be really struggling at the moment given how the cultural sector is (not) being financed. If there’s anything we can do to help, please feel free to get in touch. Whilst we are based in Leicester, our remit will always remain across the East Midlands – so if you think it’s worth a couple of exploratory conversations, please let me know. All our best wishes to all of you. (Nick Owen - Mighty Creatives)
This is incredibly sad news and an action I know the team and board would not have taken lightly. Sending positive vibes to the staff who are affected by this and hopefully something positive can come of this incredibly sad moment that helps moves Déda’s name, reputation and fantastic legacy in to a new light. Sending good vibes to all. Thank you. (Phil Hargreaves)
So sorry to read this news and please pass on my thoughts and well wishes to the staff at Deda. (Jimmy Drew, former board member)
On behalf of all of us at Surtal Arts I would like to express our sadness and sympathy at learning of Deda’s news. We sorry to hear that you’ve had to take such a difficult decision. We are here as partner and friends to act wherever we can to support Déda, your work and your staff. This has come as a shock to all of us in the arts and culture community, but exposes just how fragile the industry is right now - it’s very sad and worrying. Our plans for DSOL24 involved Déda as a partner, and we will make alternative plans. But please know our energies are not only for our own work, because just as you have supported us over the years, we are here for you. With our very best wishes. (Nisha, Board of trustees and staff at Surtal Arts)
I am sorry to hear this – Deda has been a significant part of my world since I returned from London almost 20 years ago. Deda has reached so many people and brought so much to Derby over the years. My heart goes out to you all and I hope you are okay. Sending love to you, the team, artists and trustees. (Suzannah Bedford, former board member)
I am truly sorry that this has all fallen on your watch, I feel an unfortunate series of events has brought Deda to this place. As you know I am a true advocate for Deda and what it does, so anything I can do at this time please do not hesitate to ask. (Alice Marshall, University of Derby)
This is wretched…especially after you have all worked your socks off to overcome everything that Covid threw at Deda. Being a Board member for over a decade and seeing what Deda accomplished, always punching above it’s weight, was terrific…for me, it was such a privilege to be involved. With warmest wishes. (Mimi Errington (former board member)
I don’t have the words apart from I am so very sorry to hear this. (Stephen Munn - Creative Director | Arts Development)
I’m replying quickly to say two things. I am so sorry you have had to write such a message to people and I hope you’re being looked after, and the team is being held well during such a devastating time. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask. (Paul Russ (He/him) - Chief Executive & Artistic Director - FABRIC)
Hubbub is deeply grateful to Deda for all of the support shown to us since our R&D in 2011. Deda has been a wonderful host venue and 19 Chapel Street has become our much loved home over the last 13 years. We are also grateful for the steps you are putting in place to support our community (hopefully) remaining in the building.
Our thoughts are with all of the staff who now face redundancy & personal challenges. We hope that everyone can find their way through this difficult time with the support they need. We remain, as always, open to conversation & collaborative thinking in re-visioning the building’s future and also how Derby continues to be the home to excellent & inclusive dance, movement & circus arts practice, which is one of the very best things about our city & of which we are all so proud. (Jen Sumner - Hubbub)
I’m so sorry to hear of the current situation. Déda is the cornerstone of the Derby community. If there is anything the Chamber can do to support at this challenging time, please let me know. (Scott Knowles, Chamber of commerce)
Really sad to hear this, I really hope there is some way forward as you say for the building and the provision! All those years of hard work and careful organisation-building. It must be heartbreaking. Hope you and the team are ok Warmest regards. (Michael Hoar)
So sorry to hear the news. I hope someone comes forward with a Plan B. Derby would sorely miss DEDA. (Sharon Brown, Director - Arts Melbourne CIC)
I was beyond sad to hear the news. Deda will always to be a very special place to us Foo’s, it was where it all began for us back in 2008. That 2 years as resident artists at the start of our Foo career was where we learnt and grew so much. With Deda’s support we wrote our first Arts Council App, was connected with our first Producer, created our first Devised Show Memoirs of a Biscuit Tin, which went on to smash Edinburgh as Lyn Gardner’s surprise hit of the festival and started creating our street theatre antics too. We also teched and previewed all 3 of our national touring shows in the theatre too.
Deda was the foundation from which we built, learnt, and flew. At the time this was when there wasn’t really any other development ops around in the city. (Bethany Sheldon, Maison Foo)

As a community please continue the support. Moreover, keep pushing for action - to ensure that dance stay as an important part of the region. Derby needs to make sure that the arts is supported so that it can in turn make sure that everyone has access to it.