Saima Majid is a Lifestyle and Wellbeing Coach with twenty years of experience in the creative, business, and education space.
Her philosophy as a coach is, for one to live a true, authentic and zestful life they must have meaning at the core and be in tune with their creative energy. Her work is inspired by Psychology, Spirituality, and World Arts and Culture.
Prior to entering the wellbeing and personal development space, Saima worked as a Fashion/Textile Designer in London’s fashion industry. London gave her exposure to a vibrant community which embraced culture from all over the world. As a Pakistani Muslim girl from the East Midlands, this was a world very different to the one in which she grew up.
Saima injects this lived and professional experience combined with her ongoing education and research, to develop her one-to-one and group coaching programmes. She has worked with a global one-to-one client base, universities, and corporate organisations. Collaborations include Nottingham Trent University, The University of West London, British Islam conference and the National Trust.